"Dan katakanlah, 'Bekerjalah kamu, maka Allah akan melihat pekerjaanmu, begitu juga RasulNya dan orang-orang mukmin, dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allah) Yang Mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nyata, lalu diberitakanNya kepada kamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.'"
[at-Taubah, 9:105]

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sesedut Bacteria Panjang Umur.


How you doing peoples? Sihat tak ? Macam lama jugak lah tak update blog ni kan,yeke.HAHA.
Maybe aku busy menghadirkan diri ke tempat-tempat yang akan memberikan perubahan sikit dalam diri aku,InshaAllah. I'm always prays that I will become a good/true Muslimah,InshaAllah. And I know that there is so much obstacles that will approached me in order to achieve this transformation. Oh Allah I need your guidance always.Ameen.

Back to our topic Sesedut Bacteria Panjang Umur , apakah ? As I know is that inside our body's there are 2 type of bacteria that give benefit and harmful to our body, maknanya disini ada bacteria jahat dan baik. Actually, yesterday I went to Yakult Factory the only one factory in Malaysia which is located at Seremban, yes my Hometown. Dalam bus aku dah jadi macam tourist guide dah kalau belok kiri ada Jaya Jusco (JJ), tuuu Terminal 2, depan lagi sikit belah kiri Terminal One.

I am satisfaction with the trip's, hampir 3weeks ++ tak jejakkan kaki di rumah HOMESICK ! Siap cakap kat Mak den 2 bus nak datang lunch dekat rumah,HAHA Lauk Sardin mak aku nak hidang dan mak aku tau yang aku bual-bual bohong je semua itu.

Objective lawatan ni sebenarnya nak tengok cara-cara Yakult di buat. Waaa cakap lu kebersihan Terjamin 100%. Marilah beli Yakult for your own sake and is good for your digestive system mehhhh.

Benefits of Yakult
1. Increase number of good bacteria and reduce bad ones in our intestine.
2. Reduce production of  toxins in our body.
3.Improve bowel movement.
4.Improve body's immunity to keep you strong and healthy.

As we arrived at there, I saw 2 Bus Sekolah Warna Oren. Fuhyooo ada budak sekolah jugak, rupa-rupanya budak kecik tadikatadika,Cumel. Come let's see the picture(s) that being snapped by me, oh there is no photo about how the Yakult is being process it is Confidential.

beli beli
kat hostel dah

Yakult have 2 type of colour with different percentage of sugar level. Merah (ACE-Original flavour) Biru (ACE light - Less Sugar). Diabetic person also can drink this Yakult.
Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota your friend for good health.
But you must know that Allah is The Most Powerful, keep worshipped to Allah keep faith in Allah. Do'a is the Best weapon for us as Muslim.

p/s : Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan :)

Till Then.
Thank You for Reading and Liking =)

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