"Dan katakanlah, 'Bekerjalah kamu, maka Allah akan melihat pekerjaanmu, begitu juga RasulNya dan orang-orang mukmin, dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allah) Yang Mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nyata, lalu diberitakanNya kepada kamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.'"
[at-Taubah, 9:105]

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mission Completed.


All the ordered from my friends are DONE. Oh, it's very tiring to make 400pieces -,- 
Get free of charge from sauna oven -,- Kata dorang untuk raya haji nanti.

p/s : 2 more days left :(

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So Give Me A Smile.


Planned was want to watch the real steel movie at MBO Terminal 2 but chanced the place and also the movie. Because of many reasons (too lazy too type). So paranormal 3(tgv,jaya jusco) kami serang. Adventured jugak lah perasaan bila tengok, nak-nak dapat seated terbaik. 

Dah macam naik rollercoaster versi USS dalam panggung tadi.HAHA. Tapi ending cerita memang sangat menghampakan, penat den menjerit satu panggung -,-

before watched the movie

Tapi lagi adventured bila drive dalam keadaan hujan yang sangat lebat, only Allah knows.

p/s : esok last buat kuih tart nenas sebab ada tempahan ye.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Abie's Garage Sale.


Suddenly, I'm speechless to write something about the abie's garage sale. The name is given by my elder sister because of she is trying to sell her items/stuff that she hardly use and it is possible that she have never used them all plus are still in great condition.

The items such as bag, jacket,perfume,ring that she bought from US where she studied.
Perfume - Victoria's Secret Body Mist Secret Garden, Victoria Secret Deep 
p/s : Available

p/s : Available
 p/s : Available
 p/s : This 2 items are S O L D !
p/s : Available
Adjustable Ring

p/s : The flower is in small size and still available
The circle one are S O L D !

p/s : The flower is in big size and still available

Oh, I love to wear the ring because of it looked cute when you put it on your finger
just wear it as simple as you are

please take a look at this link Abie's Garage Sale and if interested just inform us XD

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Den Dah Koba Dah.


Hobin Jang Hobin cayalah masuk final, walaupun tengok perlawanan dorang semalam menyakitkan hati sampai boleh bagi heart attack ! Come on arghhh, tak kan half time masing-masing still telur ayam. 

Wowww, sangat padat oooo rakyat nogri turun padang. Ada yang dari nilai, rombau macam-macam laie lah. Macam nak runtuh den tengok stadium paroi tuh, dengan mercun lah. seram mehhh.

Macam beso lah den poie dengan the Bongek's Crew mean my aunty and cousins. Dah kata den dah start cuti, memanjang je ikut. kihkihkihkih. After the matched, poie duduk makan-makan sekejap. Interesting conversation >.< it's about our family business. The youth generation's plans, hohohoho.

Congratulations to N.Sembilan 2-1 T.Team 

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Friday, October 21, 2011

It's So Nice To Be Here.


At about 7.50 I had safely arrived at my lovely home and performed my solah. What a fear journey that I had been through. I regret of taking the KTM and I should just take the bus to go back home. As you all know, KTM system is always not in time, mean not punctual lah kan. Also too crowded inside it, until can make you shortness of breath.

It still raining outside there. Too cold inside the KTM when I get wet at the BTS station. Yelahh, at that time memang nasib aku sangat malang, disebabkan aku berada di pintu untuk keluar dan orang tersangatlah ramai nak turun kat BTS tuh dahlah hujan so aku pun bagi laluan dengan mengeluarkan diriku sebentar dengan kedengaran bahasa yang kurang sopan dan aku hanya di basahi air hujan -,-

Shivering all over my body non-stopped. Never mind, asalkan dah sampai dengan selamatnya. But, I think that the KTM services should be improved in all aspects such as the speed,the punctuality,the spacing pleaseeeeee !

So I just started my mid sem break not-so-long break. I'll fulfill my holiday with so many enjoying things.

p/s : tomorrow will be a match between my state (hobin jang hobin) against terengganu. Oh, I must see it live.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011



During the posting time at the Klinik Kesihatan Selayang, so we have discovered the new place where to buy jajan yang sangat priceless ! As I remembered, when I were in childhood stages I love to buy the jajans. In fact that, sekarang pun suka lagi >.<

Even though the shop is not that big like market, but the contents inside it is really awesome and can make you drooling peeps. Memang terima tempahan pun, sebabnya amoi tuh asyik sibuk je jawab panggilan tempahan orang.

sempat snapped ni je.

banyaknyaa kak lin aka sister beli.

p/s : Tomorrow got conference but my lips continuously sing I'm coming home, I'm coming Home.

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Golden Opportunities.

When you're taking this course, I'm telling you without doubt you will get a lots of golden opportunities. Yes, I mean it. It is a nursing course. So I'm gonna tell you two of the golden opportunities.

Visited to Program Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti,Selayang

Which is yesterday I have been at there. Meeting all the chosen person ( Down Syndrome, Autism, so on) Communicated with them, Played with them, Teach them and so on. Oh, during the activities they played the korean songs. Ya Allah, lagi semangat lah aku kan. Yelah tu memang taste aku semua lagu tuh :p

Visiting The School

 This is happened today. Yeahh, followed the van KKM daerah Gombak heading to SMK Gombak Setia (if I'm not mistaken) to give injection of anti tetanus toxoid. Dapat jugaklah inject walaupun tak ramai. Sebab ramai yang dah dapat suntikan hari tuh, ini siapa yang termissed hari tuh punya. Oh, sekarang tengah PMR kan. I really missed my school time. And yet, today is the last day for us at the Klinik Kesihatan Selayang. Hmmm, lepas ini posting dekat dalam wad gynaecology after the midsem break !

p/s : 2 days left to start my not-so-long holidaysss, please be fast Friday !

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm Not Claustrophobia.


Penah tak rasa or mengalami keadaan tersekat dalam lift ? Yes, I did. How it happened ? 

Today, on the evening we did the home visit. Biasalah  kerja staff nurses (cehhh padahal student lagi makngah) pergilah melawat para ibu yang lepas bersalin dan jugak anaknya. Al-maklumlah sihat ke idak.
Rumah flat, nasib baik ada lift. So naik lift, tekan tingkat 8. Tak ada alarm overloaded ke apa, 12orang pun naik.

exciting feeling nak lawat.

Student A : Fuh, nih kalau terstuck nih.
Student B : Aah, macam dalam final destination.

Danggggggg ! Lift suddenly stopped ! Everyone looked blur, macam blur lah. Yang puan dalam lift dah beristighfar banyak kali dah. Panic lah katakan. Memang padat lah kalau 12 orang dalam lift tuh. Coverage ??? Jangan haraplah nak ada. Yang aku nih memang tak bawa phone lah kan :p
No service no service. Tekan loceng banyak-banyak kali sambil ketuk-ketuk pintu lift banyak kali tolong-tolong.

Alhamdulillah, luckily ada penduduk disitu dengar ketukan kitaorang. Orang luar bagi arahan suruh tekan apa tah, aku tak nampak dorang tekan apa, tengok-tengok dah bukak sebab aku kat belakang. Bukan betul-betul berhenti dekat level 3 berhenti diantaranya.Haa amek ko, kena terjun keluar kena lah jugak bend ko punya knees, nasib baik tak kena panjat untuk keluar -,-

Yang peliknya, aku dengan coolnya boleh pulak tangkap gambar. 

terus out of service.

What I'm worried is if suddenly lift tuh dengan lajunya jatuh sampai bawah, lampu semua tak ada -,- (sah tengok cita mat salleh banyak sangat) lalu terus seat in mind, aku tak nak jadi orang terakhir yang keluar.
Lepas tuh, terus masing-masing guna tangga naik sampai tingkat 8 turun pun guna tangga jugak -,-

Thankful that I'm not having the Claustrophobia.(google please) tak pun siapa tengok cerita secret garden (korea) yang si hero punyalah takut nak naik lift sebab ada Claustrophobia sampai boleh capai tahap kritikal. Plannya nak visit 2 buah rumah, terus tak jadi sebab rumah flat jugak tapi ini lagi up tingkatnya level 10. Dah tuh tak jadi, balik berkhidmat di klinik selayang dehhhh.

p/s : All praise to Allah.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Missed You So Badly.


Arghhh, seriously I can't stand for this feeling anymore ! Come on Friday, please be fast !

missed you so BADLY

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I have been at the Klinik Selayang Baru baru je 3 hari, posting at there at about 2 weeks. The aimed or the objective at there it is about the immunization for the babies. Because of the baby immune system is low, so they should get the immunization based on the schedule that are recommended by the Ministry of Health.

ini budak bukan baby -.-

At the second day's, I started to give them (baby) the vaccine by injecting it through intramuscular or subcutaneous tissue depend on the route with supervision by my tutor incharge. At first a bit shake jugaklah, yelah nak bagi kat baby kan kalau kat wad orang-orang dah besar semuanya den bagi. Fuhhh, dah masuk hari ke 3 dah experted dah.HAHAHA. Sampai volunteer diri nak bagi tapi ikut mood jugaklah.

So,para-para ibu di luar sana. Mestilah tak missed up the appointment ye untuk immunization si anak.
Meh sini nak celoteh sikit pasai vaksin-vaksin nih mengikut tahap kefahaman aku sendiri, if ada termissed or salah silalah betulkan hamba, hamba masih lagi belaja >.<

MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) kalau bahasa melayunya cegah dari begok, demam campak, rubella - given at 12 months. If fever after the injection just give the syrup pcm at 3mls if not jangan bagi !
DTap (diphtheria,tetanus,pertussis) cegah batuk kokol, kancing gigi, sakit kerongkong Hib (heamophilus influenza type B) cegah jangkitan otak IPV (injectable polio virus) cegah dari lumpuh - given at 2 months (1st dose), 3 months (2nd dose), 5 months (3rd dose) and 18 months (booster dose). Tak payah nak tunggu demam lepas injection je terus bagi syrup pcm. Sekali inject macam 3 in 1.
Hepatitis B (prevent from liver disease) - given at birth (1st dose), 1 months (2nd dose) , 6 months (3rd dose)
Oh I got the opportunities to inject the vaccine for prenatal mother. What vaccine? ATT vaccine stands for anti tetanus toxoid cegah kancing gigi. Vaksin nih, akan buat tangan para bakal ibu lenguh-lenguh 2-3 hari so staff nurse akan tanya dulu, selalu buat kerja-kerja rumah tangan mana, tanya bayi ada gerak ke tidak then barulah injected.

Rasa macam baru je jejak kaki dekat sini dengan ayah mak time registration dulu sekarang dah final year dah, pada dasarnya memang jauh di sudut hati aku tak penah terpikir langsung nak amek course nih. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui.

InsyaAllah tahun depan bulan 6 aku dan kawan-kawan seperjuangan akan bergelar staff nurse dengan izin Allah. Semoga lulus dengan cemerlang seramai 183 orang dalam peperiksaan Lembaga Jururawat Malaysia nanti. Ameen.

I'm gonna be prepared mental and physically from now on, because when I'm qualified then all the responsibilities are at my own shoulders. So, prepared your shoulders, ngehngeh.

p/s : gambar dari year 1 sampai lah sekarang final year (each year got 2 sem)

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Allah Is The Most Powerful.

Semalam lebih kurang pukul 11.40 lebih, macam biasa online online tengah duk online. Facebook kan dah macam ala-ala mami jarum. Semua dok cerita pasal bulan malam nih, cantek. Terus tengok kat luar. Ya Allah, memang sangat indah.

There's a ring around the moon known as moon ring. Ramai yang turun dekat sidai ampaian bawah memang di situ je tempat lapang, memang viewed terbaik lah. Tapi yang penting kami bertiga lah orang yang pertama turun bawah.
Kahkahkah. Gua tak kisahlah kalau dari segi sains dorang dok kata refraction of the sunlight bagailah, yang pasti semua benda ini berlaku atas kehendak Allah swt, I do believe it. I'm very thankful to Allah because of give us the opportunities to see this happened.

the specky roommates
Abie : Teh mana teh ?
Teh : Tulaahhhhh

I wonder is the people who's living in the state of america can see this beautiful thing happened. Terus laju-laju post dekat wall FB my sister tanya nampak tak bulan cantik ? Sah tak nampak. Maybe ada kelas time tuh, yelah waktu dorang siang rasanya.

Ok ok, nak study kejap lagi nih. Betul-betul punya nih. Sekarang posting dekat Klinik Selayang Baru for Community Health Nursing selama 2 minggu. Fuhh lagi penat aku rasa, sebab klinik tuh tak ada air-cond.HAHA. Amboiii yela selama nih masuk wad ber air-cond je an.

Bak kata tutor incharge burn kan sikit muka-muka korang tuh. Memang burned aku rasa, sebab time rehat perlulah menapak ye di bawah cahaya matahari bukan bulan purnama. Nasib baik 2 minggu je then cuti seminggu then posting kat ward balik. Oh, I Loikeee. Oh oh, tapi best jugak nanti ada buat lawatan ke rumah,kihkihkih, aaa lagi pergi sekolah bagi injection dekat budak-budak sekolah, I missed school life's. Baru rasa explorace sikit, ni tak asyik dalam wad je.

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Sunday, October 09, 2011

I Like To Be Single.

Semalam, tetibe hormone gila-gila dah produced nak tengok semua band korea yang aku adored the most. Big Bang, U-kiss, 2AM, 2pm, SHINee, Boyfriend Ok, kenapakah dorang  hensem sangat ???? 

Dah kata Ahad adalah hari day off kami, satu hari yang terlepas kerja di wad.HAHA Mestilah gunakan sebaik-baiknya. Jom, berpiknik sambil pergi tengok air terjun. Destination lentang.

Ye, kami ber 5 dengan menaiki kereta comel pink si atin raja farah. Syokkk je tengok family anak beranak berpicnic bersama during the weekend's. Argghhhh homesick :( oh oh oh, suka tengok mamat bawa motor besar macam kawasaki dan aku akan bunyi wooooo kahkahkah bukan mat rempit yang bawa motor rangka tulang (rxz)

Hanya aku and diva je tak mandi, so apa lagi tangkap tangkap dan tangkap gambar with my awesome lens.kahkahkah

At least we still can enjoyed the natural viewed like the trees, rivers. 

p/s : can't wait for the holidays, truly ! cepat lahhhh.

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Friday, October 07, 2011

Ku Damba Redha Mu.


Thanks to Allah because He still giving me a chances to breath per minute, to beat per minute. I wanted to shared something that I had gained yesterday by attending the kuliah agama that been given by Dr.Azizan. Such a long time I have been absence from the kuliah, and yet Alhamdulillah I make a moved towards it.

Dr.Azizan such a nice person, oh anak dia perempuan Fatimah Az-Zahra if I'm not mistaken. Dah hafal al-Quran dari usia budak kecik lagi. Ya Allah, impressed me a lot. Penah jumpa budak tuh sekali. Ya Allah, comelnya dengan jubah dan tudung labuh dia >.<

During the fasting time (Ramadan), Dr.Azizan treats all the staffs to break the fast together at surau including us too. Murah rezeki.

If we felt tired (lemah), doesn't have enough energy to do works and so on just said 

SubhanaAllah x33
Alhamdulillah x33
Allahuakbar x33

InshaAllah, You will feel better after that. Today, I practise those things. Alhamdulillah, I'm enjoying my works at ward. I can't stopped from smiling at my patient before during and after dealing with them. >.<
Oh, I S L A M nice isn't ???

p/s : at least you wanted to change something about yourself before to be a better person or muslimah.InshaAllah.

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