"Dan katakanlah, 'Bekerjalah kamu, maka Allah akan melihat pekerjaanmu, begitu juga RasulNya dan orang-orang mukmin, dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allah) Yang Mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nyata, lalu diberitakanNya kepada kamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.'"
[at-Taubah, 9:105]

Friday, June 22, 2012

Allah Your Are The Most Powerful.


memories never fade :')

Alhamdulillah all praises to Allah swt. I'm speechless for a while :') Oh Allah, seems like You heard our Du'a and You answered our Du'a. Thanks Allah for this result ( Nursing Board Examination ). Who said it is so easy like a b c to become a staff nurses. There are too many obstacles you should face it and yet Alhamdulillah I did it for my 3 years past, Thanks Allah Thanks All Lecturer Thank Parents Family and Friends :')

Before you sit for the Nursing Board Examination you should passed the collage exam and before you can called yourself as Staff Nurse you should passed the Nursing Board Examination and only then you have the license and you deserve the job :) Mesti kena ada lesen baru boleh kerja maaa.

Ok, sekarang dah boleh senang lenang buat seketika, just wait for 'abang' posmen hantar surat tawaran. Memang ternanti-nanti lah kan :p And hopefully pihak berkenaan akan ambik kami bekerja lepas raya, Oh Allah please !

The hall for us (180) answered the 100 multiple questions in 2hours 30mins, Alhamdulillah :')

Us in our blue uniform as student, next will be in green uniform as staff nurses :)
p/s : aku lah tuh yang buat saranghae tuh :p

'Moga kerjaya kami ini dapat menyebarkan tentang keindahan islam ataupun dakwah ke seluruh dunia, InshaAllah Ameen'

p/s : wait for the next post, banyak nih nak story.

Thank You for Reading and Liking =)


cik missi said...

congrate SRN Rabiatul :)

rabiatulpaid said...

arigatou-ne :)