"Dan katakanlah, 'Bekerjalah kamu, maka Allah akan melihat pekerjaanmu, begitu juga RasulNya dan orang-orang mukmin, dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allah) Yang Mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nyata, lalu diberitakanNya kepada kamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.'"
[at-Taubah, 9:105]

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Fighting Girl(s) !

Assalamualaikum !

I wanna said ' omedetto ' to all my girls(s), oh I mean congratulation (tak payah nak jepun sangat lah kan). I am proud of them because they all can continue their studies in degree level, osem kot ! Alhamdulillah. And unexpected on of my girl(s) can pursuing her degree level at United Kingdom, awwww. Bestnyeeee.

So, I'm off from work in 4 days and I got opportunity to meet them before they go for study. Selamat berjuang korang dalam mencari ilmu. Dalam islam ilmu sangatlah di tuntut ! If you sad, Allah is always there for you, ask anything for Him in sha Allah ( kun fa ya kun ) Have faith in Him, in sha Allah you will be the happiest person in the world >.<

Just teaser, for more picture(s) click the link below :

Yup, here here.

p/s : ada jodoh kita jumpa lagi. Kalau cuti calling-calling meh.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Assalamualaikum, jawab dapat pahala.

Tetibe teringat kat my friend sorang ni yang tetibe missing in action again. Again? Yup again. I met her during my plkn time. She is an indian girl plus with filipino blood. Her mom side. We become closer and closer when we're in the same company, Alpha company oh yeahh! And we're in the same dorm and our bed very close to each other until we can still chit chat when we're already lying on the bed >.<

3 months we are sharing the happiness, the bitter moments together. She'd teach me how to speak filipino. HAHA. After we ended our plkn time. About a month later I think we met again for the 1st time.

 *2009 - our skin showed that we are so active during the plkn time :p

And after that, we never met again, never contact and loss contact until 1 day's the unknown number send me a text ' hye boleh berkenalan, I kenal you Rabiatul kan' some sort like that. Nombor yang tak dikenali and the person know who you are. Aishhh lagi macam membuak-buak lah nak tahu siapakah gerangan si dia. Haha, tapi feeling memang dah macam agak si budak filipino. Aishh jodoh kuat :p 

Since that day, we're keep texting each other calling each other dah macam loving couple pulak kan. And tetibe I can't contacted her, and she's become invisible. That time was when I still in my student time, cant remember what year. Until I ended my 3 years course and She is back again! That was on july '12. And we're planning to see each other after so long of been missing in action. Sebelum jumpa tuh aishhh macam biasa message2 calling2 macam sweet couple yang tak penah jemu. HAHA.

September '12 Yes we meet each other, Awwwww >.< And She said that me has changed a lot like pelat said more to 'Assalamualaikum' haha, comel je dorang nih.

8 september 2009

Oh not to forget to my pelat friend too. She is a chinese girl and I met her during the plkn time too. Same company too,hihi. I always called her 'pelat'. Oh dia sangatlah rajin telefon me and message me, sangat terharu T__T and the 3 of us planning to have fun together at Sunway Lagoon. Ahhhh 1st time masuk Sunway Lagoon, noob sangat aku -,- We slept over at Kas house.

29 september 2012

Had so much fun with them after so long not seeing each other. The best moment ever, and we are planning to have fun at Malacca but since that day we meet, Kas is been missing again until now I cant reach her, so sad T_T  I truly hope she is doing fine and in the great state of health. Miss you kas, seriously.

At lapang sasar, oh oh my favourite activity. Shot shot baby :p

p/s : Kas, I hope once you finish read this, immediately contact me please !

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nurse Need A Vacation.


Oh oh I do love travel. You too? High-5, eh tetibe. After been working so hard lately, ecewah dah macam workaholic pulak aku nih. Everyday(s) same routine pergi kerja pagi buta balik petang tidur, malam pulak makan tengok tv esok kalau shift petang membuta sampai ke tengahhari eh tak lah tengahhari sangat kalau rajin buat solat dhuha if rajin -,- no life mehh! Aishhh teruk punya perangai. Itu belum shift malam, hmmmmmmmmm.

Yes, my body mind need a long resting! The day's have come, here we go labuan-kota kinabalu. Actually, time student dulu dah booked ticket dah. Sekarang dah kerja, pergi travel tak payah guna duit ayahkan, selalu guna duit ayah, for the first time I used my own money(s) auwwww :') terasa nikmatnye disitu. Plus aku belanja my 2nd sister sekali tak pe study lagi :p

Tak sah kalau tak pergi travel dengan bongekcrew's. Disebabkan my cousin study di labuan why not pergi jenjalan labuan kan, cewahhh. Kira dia macam touristlah. Labuan bukan besar mana pun, tapi aman dan tenteram, not so much of car(s) tapi dorang punya kereta gempak-gempak semua, yelah bebas cukai. 

The best part is dapat makan lobsters besar punya! Oh oh crabs tooooooo! Im the food lover. Oo yeahhh! Sangat berbaloi. Penginapan di Labuan memang daebak! Mana tak nye duduk di rumah persekutuan Labuan, mak aiii besar kot sampai 3 tingkat dan hanya kami je yang menginap di situ bayangkanlah 8 orang dalam satu rumah yang sangat huge! Dan ada lift di dalamnya, eee seram meh malam-malam.

Ini dia rumah persekutuan Labuan - Infront view

Backyard view - Dekat dengan laut, osem!

Sampai Labuan aktiviti pertama Muzium Ikan, yeahhh! Sementara menunggu che che dan ira yang di mana flight dorang sampai malam.

Maklong yang excited.HEHE.
Ooooo baru den tahu
Lagi maklong :p

Next, lepas dah kenal nama-nama dan jenis-jenis ikan mari ke lombong kita - Muzium Chimney

Dah penat berjalan jom melihat keindahan ciptaan Ilahi >.< Oh gua suka gua suka sunset.

Please Im ma food(s) lover ! Can't help it.

The next day bangun punya lah awal sebab nak gerak beli tiket feri ke Kota Kinabalu, tengok-tengok dah habis, perjalanan mengambil masa dalam 3jam. Tiada pilihan lain kami telah membuat keputusan dengan menaiki speedboat (ini hardcore punya boat) ke menumbok dan naik bus ke Kk. Fuhh, ini baru Gulliver's Travel, eh.

Ini dia speedboatnyeee.

Ira and che che mabuk laut, man mabuk ? HAHA.

Sampai-sampai Kk pun dah petang, destinasi di teruskan jugak ke Pulau Manukan. Alhamdulillah hajat tercapai jugak pergi, disebabkan baca buku Hlovate. Boleh pulak an. SubhanaAllah memang daebak!

Yang guys bestlah dapat mandi, haii geram meh! Laut sangat jernih sampai boleh nampak ikan-ikan, snoorkling memang best tapi dah lewat sangat time tuh. Pakcik boat bawak kami lawat semua pulau yang ada disitu.

Ke manukan kita bah.

Night story between us as a family(s), dari situ baru tahu cerita-cerita dahulu sekarang.HAHA. Best moments ever! You know what activities like this is to built more rapport between us as a cousins and the aunty, awwww. p/s : more to ayah-side.heee.

Ok, next day pasar philipine and and Jamilah Jewelery's for my mom she's requested for it.

Ok, I ended my story with a pic of  bracelet that I bought from Jamilah Jewelery 's

p/s : Gonna make a date tonight with my maklong and che che. Choww.

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Story In Story.

Assalamualaikum reader(s)!

It been a long time I didn't updating my blog. Well after I ended my 3 years studied and started to work now been busy lately and no time to update.HAHA. Hana, Dhul, Seth, rabiatulpaid medaa :p Come back lah kononnye. So here it is.

After completed the 3 years course.

Alhamdulillah, after struggling my student-life almost 3 months Im free from these things book(s),ward(s),assignment(s),presentation(s) Ya Allah sukanyeeee! Tak aku bukan menjadi pengganggur di rumah, my mom find me a job at the spa. Spa??? Cool right,HAHA. Practicing to earned own money, walaweh. Ingat senang ke nak carik duit (now I admit it *nodding few times) 

Sepanjang aku bekerja di spa, ramai makcik-makcik bertanyakan soalan yang sama 'tak pernah nampak pun' 'duduk sini ke' aishh nampak sangat tak selalu keluar rumah dan bergaul.HAHA. Mintak maaf makcik. Seronok bila ada customer(s) yang bawak anak mereka sekali dah macam kids-sitter dah aku haii.

Rasa macam sekejap je cuti sebelum dipanggil masuk kerja, sempat beraya dengan keluarga, sanak saudara for 2012. 2013? Don't know yet! Please pray I can beraya for this year nak kumpul duit raya. Eh???

I Love BongekCrew's

The Newcomer in Pusat Perubatan University Malaya.

Orientasi time

03.09.2012 - My journey has started, working in the age of 21 years old. Ya Allah, macam mudanyeee. Kawan-kawan boleh sambung degree and I have to work first for about 3 years and then I can continue my studied. In sha Allah, gained experienced first :) Perasaan dapat 1st salary Ya Allah, only Allah knows the feeling(s). Bagi dekat mak ayah :') belanja siapa-siapa yang patut. Sedekah not to forget too!

20.10.2012 - Its my convocation day's. Awww, finally Alhamdulillah I ended my Diploma in Nursing successfully. Mak Ayah this is for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Me - a 5 months worker.

Time flies by and is already 5 months I been working as a Staff nurse. There are too many obstacle(s) that I have been facing. The sweet, happy, bitter moment(s) I am incharge in the surgical ward that have multidisipline with means many team in the ward which is Urology, Neurology, Plastis, Burn, Cardiothorasic, General Surgery but Urology team already upon the new ward for them, and now replace with or moreover add on with the breast team in my ward -,- and the current problems is short of staff -,-

But is fine. Allah knows the best for His servant(s). There must be a hikmah kan. As Allah the best planner. Just kuatkan semangat, tabah. Yoshhhhhhh!

p/s : mood blogging is activating. Cewahh :p 

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