"Dan katakanlah, 'Bekerjalah kamu, maka Allah akan melihat pekerjaanmu, begitu juga RasulNya dan orang-orang mukmin, dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allah) Yang Mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nyata, lalu diberitakanNya kepada kamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.'"
[at-Taubah, 9:105]

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dugeun Dugeun.


.waiting nervously for the result. 

.thump thump thump.

Thank You for Reading and Liking =)

Saturday, December 10, 2011



It seems like in heaven when you're at home, seriously. Alhamdulillah praise to Allah s.w.t because of I did finished my fifth semester, and only 1 left of semester which is start next year. InsyaAllah Im gonna through it with the new azam. fight-oh !

The fifth semester of final exam are really really really make my brain #%*&^% tough tough.
Right now the thing that only I can do is pray that I passed the exam very well, Ameen.

Now I want to fulfill my long-holidayssss with joy and fun.

p/s : Penang, here we come XD

Thank You for Reading and Liking =)